WRC Members,
Many would say ( Phew ! ) It’s finally over and we got thru it ! But before I go into how the show went, I want to thank all of those that put forth the effort to bring a couple of motors and boats that made the display what it was, Fantastic ! First and foremost are Dave & Jack Deck who brought their two racing hydros and three racing motors to the display. The race boats are one of the biggest attentions getters we have in our area display and Dave & Jack are equally dedicated to promoting their love of the sport !
Another big thanks Paul Wood who brought his nicely restored Lone-star Boat and trailer with a 12hp SeaKing powering it, Paul also brought 4 motors to add to the display ! Paul attended all three days and seemed to enjoy talking to people and telling them about his Dad’s old ScottAtwater 5hp that he still has and runs on a regular basis !
A Third big thank you goes to John Hagerman for bringing his excellent display stand with 5 nicely restored and runnable Johnson’s progressing down age wise from a beautiful “58” JW3 down to a 30’s Vintage A25 ! As with all of John’s motors, he always has information to go along with them ! Plus he also brings his photo albums with plenty of pictures from past WRC meets. John is our official club photographer and the quality of his photos are second to none !
The forth big thank you goes to John & Betty Scheurer for their contribution of bringing two of their beautiful motors, a ChrisCraft Commander with an original racing lower unit and Betty’s famous Waterwitch 5 HP opposed twin ! But you dare not look at Betty’s motor in the bright sun as you’ll probably hurt your eyes ! Chrome has nothing on her polished aluminum twin tanks !
Forth big thank you is to one of my best friends and new member, Dominic Durda ! If it wasn’t for Dom we wouldn’t have been able to bring our long motor stand to mount all our motors on LOL ! And I would have had to bring another 4 – 5 individual stands, Dom’s old truck had plenty of room in it for all the motors and the 12ft board we use to mount the motors on ! Dom brought his newly acquired British Seagull and a little 3hp Sears GameFisher, He also brought a couple other motors his neighbor sent for display, a 3hp WaterWitch and a 5hp Wizard ! We thing he’d be a good candidate to join our club ?
Even tho his boat wasn’t in our exact area I would also like to thank Dave Nau for adding to the beautiful display that was at the other end of our IX section ! Dave brought his memorable 17ft MFG with a very nice Evinrude 70hp on the transom. The boat had just been completely restored and looked fantastic ! Dave told me the gelcoat was original and had been brought back from a very faded pink to the bright red it is now ! We are really looking forward to seeing it on the water this year !
Recognition also goes to some of our members that showed up at the booth just to say hi, Joe Golba, John Birchak, Bill Mohat, Marty Belfi, Todd Mizen and Tom Belfi ! We really missed the Belfi’s bringing some of their motors to add to the display but understand how easy it is to get busy on other projects ! Maybe next year ?
This year’s area given to us by the IX Center was by far the best we have ever had from the standpoint of being front and center to the attendee’s of the show ! The number of people we had that came in to admire the display was proof of that ! So another big thank you goes to Steve Legerski and all his people for our placement in the show ! Thanks Steve !
So to those of you that didn’t attend, I appeal to you to definitely think about it next year ! If you have any interest at all in engines, boats, cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes, military equipment, tractors, hot rods, trains, go-carts, ATV’s, motorbikes ! Ok you get the idea, just like the advertisements say, ” If a piston makes it go, It’s in the show ” !
This is by far the best show the IX Center puts on every year, and every year it get’s better ! I have heard the IX Center really likes having us attend from the replies they get having us there, so lets make it bigger and better next year !
Thanks for being part of the WRC, and remember 2 strokes rule, so Keep The Blue Smoke Flowing !