WRC Guys & Gals —
I think the Quote from “Wind In the Willows”, “Believe me my young friend, there is NOTHING ~ absolutely Nothing ~ half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats” Pretty much sums up todays activities ! On our way down Rt. 212 I saw an SUV towing a boat and thought that must be John Hagerman in his GMC. I started to speed up trying to catch up with him but he was really moving ! Peg said “quit trying you’ll never catch him” So what would you do if in pursuit wanting to know if it was someone you knew ? I slowed down! But kept him in diminishing view ! Once on Deer road with all the twisties and hills, I spotted another car towing a boat that I recognized, none other than our own treasurer Mr. Bob Joynt !
As the trio of us turned onto the last leg to the lake I realized the car I thought was John’s was not ! As it turned out it was Rick Whitman the Deer Road Speedster ! Just kidding Rick ! As we rolled into the green area behind the marina, we saw there were several of our gang already there. Peg saw Maryann and Leslie and headed in their direction to catch up on lady things. I saw Scott Wimbush’s trailer load of motors, parts and goodies of all kinds and headed in that direction, Scott and I had talked previously about swaps and trades and true to his word he didn’t disappoint me ! I had brought an engine for a gentleman Tom Schlabach that was looking for a motor to compliment the boat he just bought, a PennYan car-topper, and I just happened to have a nice running 5 1/2 Johnson for him ! I showed him a video I’d taken of it running in my test tank and I think he was convinced it would be a good match !
As I talked to more members, Bill Reed, Rick Whitman and Dan Curran so many topics were brought up I can’t remember them all ! I met one of our newest members that contacted me about rebuilding his 5 1/2 Johnson lower unit, Doug Bics and I talked a bit with him telling me it was the last part of the rebuild needed help with ! Don’t worry Doug we’ll get-er done !
Time to launch my boat, I had brought my trusty Elgin that I have run on my boat for a couple years not worrying about whether it would start and run well ! I should have run it in my test tank but thought it’s only been a year since I ran it last so why worry right ? Big mistake ! I row out deep enough to lower the motor, pump the primer bulb to fill the carb and start pulling, nothing ! Try again still nothing ! So I figure Ok maybe the float is stuck and I need to prime it ? So I pull the plugs and squirt a bit of gas in the old girl, this time it fired up, this is with the cowl off and I just happen to notice the idle adjustment screw is snapped of right at the face of the carburetor !! All kinds of thoughts go thru my mind, but it did fire up so once running I head out to open water where I can open it up ! It doesn’t disappoint me and takes off to about 20mph on my phone gps, then dies like someone cut the fuel line. Head scratching trying to figure out why, I prime it again and it starts right up but as soon as I give it some gas it dies and them I see the problem, it’s sucking air in the fuel line ! By now John Hagerman has me in tow and is bringing me back to the dock, I tighten the hose clamps on the fuel primer bulb, start it up and it’s running good ! I tell John to cast me off and I open the mighty Egin up ! running good now but I know that idle screw is going to be a problem !
Several other boats are now out on the lake tearing up the water, Big Bill Jatzak and his son are testing their Johnson 10 and it seems be be doing a good job ! Bill Reed it really moving with the KG7 on his boat ! Everyone has obeyed the law only bringing a 10hp engine except Paul Wood ! You know there’s always one in the crowd that’s an nonconformist ! Paul’s boat is a FeatherCraft probably the smallest, lightest boat of all our boats and it really moves !
By now most of the gang has headed up to the the new restaurant and outer deck that has a great view of the lake, The menu is pretty good with fish taco’s, burgers, Hotdogs and plenty of other treats ! I sit down with Tony Torgersen and Al Gammon to catch up on what they are up to then head out to the deck to sit with Paul, Peg, Maryann, Domenic and John H. Great day with perfect weather and Blue skies ! I know I missed a couple people, the gentleman with the little dog and a couple more I met out on the dock ! I apologize for not taking more time to meet those I missed ! Hopefully I will have another chance to meet you !
Big Thanks to John Reed for organizing this meet ! Till the next time keep messing about with boats and remember ~ Keep the Blue Smoke Flowing ! Oh and one more thing, Paul’s motor was a 7 1/2 Evinrude
Gary & Peg